

  • “VBAC”, INI Cambridge, 17-21 June 2024
  • “LMS Invited Lectures”, London, 1-5 July 2024
  • “Topologically Recursive Behaviours”, Les Diablerets, 26-30 August 2024
  • “Geometry and Physics of Mirror Symmetry”, University of Sheffield, 02-06 September 2024
  • “Helvetic Seminar”, Obergurgl, 9-13 September 2024


  • “Real and Logarithmic Enumerative Geometry”, Oberwolfach, 06-10 May 2024
  • “STEW 2023”, Oslo, 11–15 December 2023
  • ETH Zurich, 05–08 December 2023
  • HU Berlin, 27–30 November 2023
  • “Enumerative geometry, moduli spaces and quantization”, Cetraro, 04–08 September 2023
  • “Derived Categories, Moduli Spaces, and Counting Invariants”, London, 03–07 July 2023
  • “Derived Categories, Hodge theory and singularities”, Sheffield, 28–30 June 2023
  • “Effectively Teaching Mathematics as a Postgraduate”, Sheffield, 25 May 2023
  • “COW meeting”, Sheffield, 09 March 2023
  • “Moduli Spaces: Theory and Coding”, Les Diablerets, 27 February – 03 March 2023
  • “Structures in Enumerative Geometry”, Sheffield, 23–27 January 2023
  • “Matamzee – Mathematical Physics Retreat”, Hiddensee, 3–8 Oktober 2022
  • “TR Salento 2022”, Otranto, 5–16 September 2022
  • “BPS states, mirror symmetry, and exact WKB II”, Sheffield, 5–9 September 2022
  • “K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory – Program & Workshop KA2W03”, Cambridge, 18–28 July 2022
  • “Geometry of GLSMs”, Birmingham, 21–24 June 2022
  • “Mirrors, Moduli and M-theory in the Midlands – LMS Regional Meeting & Workshop”, Birmingham, 4–7 April 2022
  • “TR Salento 2021”, Otranto, 6–17 September 2021
  • “IHÉS Summer School - Enumerative Geometry, Physics and Representation Theory”, online, 5–16 July 2021
  • “BPS states, mirror symmetry, and exact WKB”, online, 28 June – 2 July 2021
  • “7th Workshop on Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces, Cluster Algebras and Topological Recursion”, online, 31 May - 4 June 2021
  • "Junior Global Poisson Workshop II", online, 3–6 May 2021